Click here to fill out the SIG Form and join the VCOQ SIG

Co-Chairs: Ramin Khorasani, MD, MPH and Unni Udayasankar, MD

The AAR has created a Vice Chairs of Operations and Quality Special Interest Group (VCOQ SIG). While there are other Operations and Quality groups in other organizations, none provide a space specific to Vice Chairs in academic radiology departments. The new SIG fills this unmet need.

VCOQ Special Interest Group Listserv

The AAR VCOQ SIG Listservs is a useful tools for members of the group to send brief questions and communications and get quick responses from interested colleagues.

To ensure the best experience for all members, we have established some basic rules for participation. AAR reserves the right to suspend or terminate participation in this listserv for anyone who violates these rules.

The Rules

  1. The VCOQ SIG listserv provides useful tools for members of the group to send brief questions and communications and to receive quick responses from interested colleagues.
  2. The listserv is not intended to replace the more formal survey process. The formal survey process should be followed for all surveys.
  3. Do not use the group list or any contact information therefrom to promote meetings or services.
  4. Do not harvest member contact information from the community for any purpose. 
  5. Do not use this group to post salary or other information that could be construed as in violation of antitrust laws. 
  6. All messages must add to the body of knowledge. We reserve the right to reject any messages that violate the policies.

To email a message to AAR VCOQ SIG member participants of the listserv, draft the message from your registered email and send it to: [email protected].  

If you would like to join the listserv, please contact [email protected].

If you would like to unsubscribe from the AAR VCOQ SIG listserv, you can do so by logging into your AAR profile and selecting "E-Lists" under "My Features". There, you can toggle on and off both your subscription to a Listserv and the email delivery option.