
Abstract submissions are now closed. Decision notifications will be sent out in late October. 



Radiologists, researchers, or other allied health professionals, trainees, and administrators in academic radiology.
  • Administrative
  • Diagnostic Accuracy
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Education of Medical Students 
  • Education of Residents
  • Education, General 
  • Health Services Research 
  • Informatics
  • Laboratory/Basic Science Research
  • Medical-Legal 
  • Methodology 
  • Other 
  • Physics 
  • Quality Improvement 
  • Safety
  • Socioeconomic 
  • Social Determinants of Health 

  1. Abstracts must be submitted online through the abstract submission portal. No fax copies or email submissions will be accepted. Authors may submit online abstract applications for educational research and scientific papers, as well as scientific and educational (instructional) posters. By submitting an abstract, you agree to receive necessary email communications from AAR specifically related to your submission and if accepted, your presentation at AAR 2025. These will be sent regardless of your other email preferences and may include, but not be limited to, status of your abstract, presenter information and reminders to complete unfinished submissions.
  2. The abstract submitter retains “owner” rights until the submission deadline, then once accepted the presenter becomes the owner and receives all communications including the right to withdraw an abstract.
  3. You will not be able to access the system after 11:59 am Central Time on September 16, 2024. You can enter your abstract, save it, and return for edits or updates any time prior to the deadline.
  4. Changes to abstract titles or abstract text will not be permitted after submission. Proofread your abstract to identify and correct any errors before submission.
  5. Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present their work if the abstract is accepted.
  6. By submitting an abstract, the authors grant permission to AAR to publish the accepted abstract and learning objectives in the online program.  
  7. Promissory abstracts are discouraged; abstracts submitted to multiple program areas from the same author(s) or institutions on identical or similar topics will be withdrawn by AAR at its discretion.
  8. Your presentation must be balanced and contain no commercial promotional content.
  9. All submissions must be HIPAA-compliant. To preserve the anonymity of patients and research subjects, authors/presenters must remove all potentially identifying information—including patient likenesses, identification numbers, names, initials, etc.—from images, charts, graphs, tables, and text before being displayed at the Annual Meeting.
  10. All abstracts submitted to the AAR should have IRB/IACUC approval or a waiver or clearly explain why it is not applicable.
  11. Notification of the status of submissions will be sent electronically to the abstract owner on or about November 6, 2024.  
  12. AAR registration and housing is the responsibility of each individual presenter. Participants take part at their own expense and must be officially registered for the conference. Information on registration and hotel accommodations will be available at www.aar.org.
  13. If an abstract must be withdrawn after deadline, please email [email protected]. Include your name, confirmation number and abstract title.
  14. Blind Peer Review Policy: In accordance with the AAR abstract blind peer review policy, your submission title, abstract, or uploaded figures should not contain author names, institution names, general location, or any such information that may identify where the work originated.
  15. Financial Support Notice: AAR strives to maintain the highest standards in development of its educational programming to ensure it remains free of commercial influence. To comply with the ACCME guidelines:  
    • A presenter is not to receive financial support in conjunction with their AAR presentation(s) except from their employer. 
    • A person who is employed by a “commercial interest” (defined as any entity producing, marketing, reselling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients) cannot speak if the CME content relates to the business lines and products of its employer. 
  1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Notice: As an abstract presenter, you understand and acknowledge that AAR shares your information and presentation with our partners to enhance the Annual Meeting program and experience.

AAR requires that the content of its accredited CME activities provide balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor. Planning and development of the clinical content and format must be free of the influence or control of a commercial entity and must promote improvements or quality in healthcare and not a specific business interest of any commercial interest (e.g., no commercial bias). 

All accredited CME activities must be compliant with the ACCME content validation statements:

  • All recommendations for patient care in accredited continuing education must be based on current science, evidence, and clinical reasoning, while giving a fair and balanced view of diagnostic and therapeutic options.
  • All scientific research referred to, reported, or used in accredited education in support or justification of a patient care recommendation must conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Although accredited continuing education is an appropriate place to discuss, debate, and explore new and evolving topics, these areas need to be clearly identified as such within the program and individual presentations. It is the responsibility of accredited providers to facilitate engagement with these topics without advocating for, or promoting, practices that are not, or not yet, adequately based on current science, evidence, and clinical reasoning.
  • Organizations cannot be accredited if they advocate for unscientific approaches to diagnosis or therapy, or if their education promotes recommendations, treatment, or manners of practicing healthcare that are determined to have risks or dangers that outweigh the benefits or are known to be ineffective in the treatment of patients.


Instructional Education Posters

Instructional Education Posters should be designed to teach or review radiologic signs, pathologic correlations, procedures, techniques, treatments, and interventions. The content may include other aspects related to teaching radiology to medical students, residents, and faculty. Your abstract proposal should be constructed to include a title (250 characters maximum); one to three learning objective statements; and content description. Abstracts cannot be changed after submission; no corrections will be allowed.  

Display Format: Instructional educational posters will be presented as an ePoster. ePoster guidelines will be forwarded after acceptance notices are sent.

Scientific Papers or Posters

Scientific papers and posters on education or science topics describe completed hypothesis-driven research with a comprehensive report; a work-in-progress report of ongoing research of emerging ideas and techniques and containing initial yet defined results; or a brief pertinent report of a particular new aspect or understanding of clinical radiology.

Abstracts will be selected for presentation based on scientific merit. Abstracts are limited to 2200 characters and are to be constructed using the following section headings: Purpose; Materials and Methods; Results; and Conclusions. The title is counted separately and is limited to 250 characters. Scientific and education presentations can be presented in either an oral (scientific paper) or poster format. When initiating your submission, please indicate your format preference by choosing one of the three format types: oral paper only, poster only, or either (oral paper or poster). Abstracts cannot be changed after submission; no corrections will be allowed.

Display formats: Scientific papers will be presented in an oral presentation format, limited to eight minutes in length for your oral presentation followed by two minutes for follow-up questions and discussion. Scientific posters will be presented as an ePoster.


Accepted papers and posters may be eligible for awards. Any eligible abstracts will be automatically considered for awards by the relevant committee. If your abstract receives an award, you will be notified in January.


Authors of accepted posters will be required to grant a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free license during the poster upload process onto the annual meeting platform.   


Abstract consideration for scientific presentations requires that all the criteria indicated below must be met. AAR reserves the right to accept or reject any abstract according to its usual and customary peer-review process.

  1. The abstract must represent original work by the author.
  2. Papers based on the abstract have not been published prior to the abstract submission deadline date.
    1. AAR strongly encourages all abstract presenters to submit their manuscripts to the journal Academic Radiology for consideration of publication. 
  3. AAR requires at the time of abstract submission that previously presented abstracts, in whole or in part, be labeled as such and the specific meeting be identified. It also requires that authors certify that no other organization has any rights to the material.

 For general questions or additional information, please contact the AAR office: [email protected].