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Alliance of Medical Student Clerkship Coordinators in Radiology

AMSCR - Alliance of Medical Student Coordinators in Radiology - a defined group of the AMSER alliance

Introduction: In 2010 AMSER membership decided to create a new committee level post in identifying the key and significant role our programming coordinators play in our educational efforts. These key staff were identified as lynch pins in Radiology's educational success and similar to APCR, many wished to be able to network and communicate especially when they did not additional hold the equivalent position in the residency program. Specific material and ideas were thought to be best transmitted directly between key players and a networking opportunity was sought. Additionally, this group is key in helping identify important issues and ideas for AMSER programming.

Purpose and Benefits:

  • Create a shared resource for radiology (elective & clerkship) programming coordinators; to ease adoption, support greater uniformity of materials nationally, test programming materials and efficient use of limited resources (time and funds) that may already exist.
  • Establish a forum for exchange of ideas between active programs

Membership provides:

List of member coordinators nationally - to promote coordinator networking Ability to influence programming decisions - at coming AAR meetings Email lists

  • To conduct surveys
  • For distribution lists
  • Access to shared resources

Shared resources include (currently available):

Lecture schedules & topics
Scheduling methods-faculty & students
Student evaluation methods

  • Paper samples
  • Instruction guide for eValue & other electronic evaluation systems
  • Student manuals


Join AAR as associate members

  • $20 (AMSER membership)
  • Not AMSER members (due to bylaws; all AMSER members must be full AAR members)

AMSCR will be a standing committee of AMSER (Committee chairs participate in AMSER executive board meetings) To assist in maintaining focus and efficiency - AMSCR is expected to develop their own committees, AMSCR our goals, objectives and mission statement.

Current leadership:

AMSCR Chair (2 year term): Open

Committee Chair: Secretary & Membership – Open

  • Work with AMSER Board to get all coordinators to become members, target US medical schools, and raise awareness. Help assist & mentor new members. Keep an active list of all members along with contact information. Be responsible for circulating information and keeping minutes of any official meetings.

Committee Chair: Program Planning – Open

  • Work with committee chairs and officers to create topics/agenda for the upcoming meeting.

    Committee Members:
    Carol Dowdle, Emory University
    Tosha Feldkamp, University of Cincinnati Medical Center
    Kathleen McDermott, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University
    Simona Milosevska, Florida Hospital Connected Care
    Laura Pawlak, University of Chicago
    Natalie Tabler, UT Southwestern
    Thressa Thomas, Duke University

Committee Chair: Professional Development – Open

Committee Chairs: Shared Resources & Surveys – Open

  • Elective Radiology Clerkship, Integrated Core Radiology clerkship, Required Core Radiology Clerkship. Help to create a database of useful documents for members pertaining to their clerkship/elective. Committee would create, generate, circulate surveys based on need and/or request

If you are interested in becoming an AMSCR member or are interested in serving as an officer, contact AAR ([email protected]).