Membership Listing
Full Membership – $399.00 USD
Includes discounted annual meeting registration and a print and online subscription of Academic Radiology, the official journal of the AAR.
PDF membership applications are available upon request by emailing [email protected].
- All radiology faculty of an accredited medical school or of an institution with an ACGME-accredited or Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) radiology residency or fellowship program, whether or not it is university-based, will be eligible for full membership. The member or nominee for membership should reside and work in the United States of America or Canada.
- The member or nominee for membership should have a role in the teaching of medical students, residents, fellows or other physicians or health care professionals, in patient care related to teaching activities, in research, or in attendant administrative duties.
- Have shown promise or accomplishment in the academic pursuits stated in the purposes of the Association.
Privileges of Full Membership
- All full members have voting privileges.
- All full members may serve on committees and as officers of the Association.
Associate Membership – $106.00 USD
Includes discounted annual meeting registration and a print and online subscription of Academic Radiology, the official journal of the AAR.
PDF membership applications are available upon request by emailing [email protected].
- All radiology residency/fellowship program coordinators, radiology medical student curriculum coordinators, computer support personnel, and radiology nurses and technologists, in an accredited medical school, in an institution with a radiology residency or fellowship program, whether or not it is university based, or in a program applicable to or related to radiology or the radiologic sciences will be eligible for associate membership.
- The member or nominee for membership must spend a significant amount of his or her time in academic or administrative duties related to radiology or the radiologic sciences. the applicant must attest to this level of activity on the membership application and this level must be continued for retention of membership in the Association.
- To be eligible for nomination for associate membership, the nominee must have shown promise or accomplishment in the academic responsibilities stated in the purposes of the Association.
Privileges of Associate Membership
- Associate members shall have all the rights and privileges of full membership except that they shall not hold office or vote. Associate members may serve on committees.
Junior Membership – $51.00 USD
2024–2025 Dues: $42.00 USD
Includes discounted annual meeting registration and a print and online subscription of Academic Radiology, the official journal of the AAR.
Junior Members must complete the AAR Program Verification Form.
PDF membership applications are available upon request by emailing [email protected].
- All trainees in ACGME-approved radiology residency programs or fellowships or postdoctoral fellows in the radiological sciences will be eligible for junior membership.
- The status of the nominees must be verified by department chairs for junior faculty or by program directors for residents and fellows.
Eligibility for Junior Membership
- Junior members will retain their junior status until the conclusion of their residency or fellowship training. At that time, junior members will be eligible for full membership under Section I. Junior membership status will be maintained while the nominee is considered for full membership status.
Privileges of Junior Membership
- Junior members may attend the annual business meeting but will not be eligible to vote.
- Junior members may serve on committees.
- Junior members have free membership in Alliance of Clinician-Educators in Radiology (ACER), the Alliance of Medical Student Educators in Radiology (AMSER), Radiology Alliance of Health Services Research (RAHSR), and the Radiology Research Alliance (RRA).
Student Membership – Free
Includes discounted annual meeting registration.
Medical Student Members must complete the AAR Program Verification Form.
PDF membership applications are available upon request by emailing [email protected].
- All medical students in LCME-approved medical schools will be eligible for student membership.
- The status of the nominees must be verified by the medical student radiology clerkship/elective director at the student’s medical school.
Eligibility for Student Membership
- Student members will retain their student status until the conclusion of their internship. At that time, student members will be eligible for junior membership under Section III. Student membership status will be maintained while the nominee is considered for junior membership status.
Privileges of Student Membership
- Student members may attend the annual business meeting but will not be eligible to vote.
- Students will automatically have AMSER membership without additional payment.
- Student members may not serve on AAR committees, but may serve on AMSER committees.
- Student members will not receive a subscription to Academic Radiology as a benefit of membership.
International Membership – Dues Based on Country Income Classification
Includes discounted annual meeting registration and access to member-only opportunities
PDF membership applications are available upon request by emailing [email protected].
Radiologists practicing outside the United States of America or Canada who are engaged in the training of students, residents or fellows or other physicians or health care professionals, in patient care related to teaching activities, in research, or in attendant administrative duties in radiology shall be eligible for international membership.
Dues are based on World Bank Income Classifications by Country.
- Low or Low-Middle Income Country – $0.00 USD
- Upper-Middle Income Country – $168.00 USD
- High-Income Country – $336.00 USD
Privileges of International Membership
- All international members may serve on committees, but may not serve as committee chairs or officers of the Association.
- International members do not have voting privileges.
For more information about election to AAR Membership, please see the AAR Bylaws.