Joseph E. and Nancy O. Whitley Award

A certificate and a $1,000 honorarium in honor of Joseph E. Whitley, MD, and his wife, Nancy O. Whitley, MD, are awarded annually to the person who submits the best paper on education in radiology. The winner will be required to present his or her paper at the AAR Annual Meeting.

This award recognizes the contributions of the Whitley's to the field of education in radiology. Dr. Joseph E. Whitley served as chair of the Department of Radiology at the University of Maryland in Baltimore and received the AAR Gold Medal in 1989. His contributions to teaching methods in radiology were seminal and helped establish the field. Dr. Nancy O. Whitley continued his work and made many contributions of her own; she received the AAR Gold Medal in 1994. Whitley Award competition has been a vital factor in helping the AAR establish itself as the premier forum for educational research and innovation in radiology. The growth in the number and quality of the Whitley Award submissions continues to enhance the mission of the AAR.

The AAR Education Committee urges all interested persons to consider submission for the award. Only AAR members are eligible for this award. To be eligible, the paper must deal predominantly with education in radiology and should contain unique material. The education described may be at any level, including undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate. Only manuscripts accepted for publication will be considered for publication in Academic Radiology and should therefore follow the format prescribed in the journal's Guidelines for Authors, including the copyright transfer.

Manuscripts submitted for the Whitley Award Competition:

  • Must be a first-time submission.
  • Cannot be under consideration for an award by another organization (other than AAR and its Affinity Groups or APDR)
  • Cannot already be published
  • Cannot be under consideration for publication by a journal other than Academic Radiology
  • Cannot be presented at a national meeting before the AAR Annual Meeting

The criteria for evaluation will include the originality of the concept, clarity of the manuscript, experimental design, validity of outcome, and significance.

In order to improve manuscript quality, a review process has been added. Authors will now have the opportunity to receive suggested revisions to their manuscripts.

Submissions of the manuscript for the Whitley Award should be made through the ACADEMIC RADIOLOGY online, electronic submission system.

When submitting a manuscript to Elsevier Editorial System, authors need to provide an electronic version of their manuscript. For this purpose original source files, not PDF files, are required and should be submitted as word documents with .tif figures (300 DPI for half-tones and 800-1200 DPI for line-art). The author should specify Whitley Award as the article type for the manuscript and choose a set of classifications from the prescribed list provided online. Authors may send queries concerning the submission process, manuscript status, or journal procedures to the Editorial Office at [email protected]. Once the submission files are uploaded, the system automatically generates an electronic (PDF) proof, which is then used for reviewing. All correspondence will be by e-mail.

Manuscripts must be submitted by the deadline. Abstracts of manuscripts are encouraged and must adhere to the abstract deadline and will undergo the same peer review process as other abstracts. 

For more information, contact the AAR Office at [email protected].

Past Joseph E. and Nancy O. Whitley Award Recipients:

2023 Carolyn M. DeBenedectis, MD 

2022 Michael L. Richardson, MD
2021 Jonelle Petscavage-Thomas, MD
2020 Chris L. Sistrom, MD, MPH, PhD
2019 Monica M. Sheth, MD
2018 Nicholas A. Koontz, MD
2017 Lucy Spalluto, MD
2016 Donna Magid, MD, MEd
2015 Eric B. England, MD
2014 Jannette Collins, MD, MEd, FCCP
2013 Michael F. McNeeley, MD
2012 Andrew T. Trout, MD
2011 Andrea Donovan, MD
2010 Johanne H. Dillon, MD
          Priscilla J. Slanetz, MD, MPH
2009 Kitt Shaffer, MD, PhD
2008 Chris Sistrom, MD, MPH
2007 David S. Feigin, MD
          Annemarie Relyea-Chew, JD, MS
2006 Suvranu Ganguli, MD
2005 Felix S. K. Chew, MD, MBA
2004 Kitt Shaffer, MD, PhD.
2003 Richard B. Gunderman, MD, PhD
2002 Felix S. K. Chew, MD, MBA
2001 Jannette Collins, MD, MEd
2000 Scott Mirowitz, MD
1999 Amit Mehta, MD
1998 Bruce R. Baumgartner, MD
1997 Jannette Collins, MD, MEd
1996 Jannette Collins, MD, MEd
1995 David S. Channin, mD
1994 Felix S. Chew, MD
1993 Spencer B. Gay, MD
1992 William E. Erkonen, MD
1991 William E. Erkonen, MD